Hello! Welcome to my blog. I am Sarah, your HonestMomma blogger. I am the momma of a beautiful 9 month old girl, Sawyer. She is the light of my life! Before the shock of getting pregnant, I didn’t even think I could have babies and honestly, didn’t think I even wanted them.
In the world we live in today, there isn’t enough honesty. A lot of the mommy blogs I have seen are so…fluffy. Full of only the best parts of being a mom. I aim to shed some light on the good, the bad, and the ugly of mommyhood and life in general. In me, I hope you can find a friend! Someone who understands when you have had a day and just want to lock yourself in the pantry with a bottle of wine and some earplugs…don’t tell me that it is only me who has these visions!?
Why read my blog?
What do I have to offer that is different than the norm? Well, the truth of the matter is this: I come from a broken home, raised by a single mom who struggled everyday. We were poor… like tortillas and cheddar cheese for dinner poor. My family has faced depression, alcoholism, harassing creditor calls, abusive boyfriends, hysterical pregnancies and warrants for arrest. I’ve had a debilitating eating disorder that could have taken my life and my spirit. I’ve been chased by a man who was a month away from marriage, helped him cheat on his fiance and then faced a very surprising pregnancy. I was then cheated on and left to be a single and scared mother. I believe in empowering a woman. I believe in love conquering all. Most importantly, I believe in Honesty.
This blog is not going to be rainbows and butterflies all the time, but then again, neither is life! Let’s embrace our differences and learn to love ourselves and our lives, just the way they are, in all our honest glory.
-The Honest Momma
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